An Entrepreneur would prefer to work in an environment which enhances innovation & creativity. But the fact is altogether different.
You would come across some people in your way who would view you and your business with antagonism and abhorrence, just to protect their own ego and turf. So, as an Entrepreneur, you are bound to be bombarded with these maxims, which may affect your creativity & your momentum in business.
We would strongly advice Entrepreneurs to evade listening to such phrases and focus on your own venture instead. These are just 50 of them, you may come across more too :
“Don’t start anything yet”.
“ It’s not a part of your Job”
“Did you make a survey first?”
“ I am sure, that was not budgeted”
“ It is against that policy”
“You idea is great, but…”
“ You don’t sound practical”
“ Your business is too old-fashioned”
“Don’t you think, it is too soon?”
“There is too much paperwork, better not get into this”
“ The old timers won’t use your service”
“ The New generation won’t accept your idea”
“ Your timing isn’t good”
“ Lol..your idea sounds funny”
“ We have tried that before, you are not the first one”
“ You must never do it that way”
“ Your business is too small “
“ Of course, it won’t work”
“ Some other time dude”
“ Who do you think , you are ? “
“ This one is too academic “
“ It sounds good in theory, but…”
“ Your business is well ahead of time”
“ That would cost too much for you , don’t go for that”
“ It can’t work, I bet”
“ You haven’t considered this…have you ?”
“ This is anti-social”
“ Seems, you are too late”
“Better luck next time”
“ Your idea seems too hard to implement”
“ I am busy”
“ Your idea is okay, but my plan is different”
“ Are you married?”
“ Which car do you have?”
“ You need a break”
“ What will your parents think about you ?”
“ Look at their daughter / son…”
“ Are you settled?”
“ You are moving against the tide”
“ Too much of risk”
“ I appreciate your business idea, but…”
“ I am occupied in too many projects as of now, else…”
“ Where is your office?”
“ You are a girl & you are into this business !!!"
“ Your first priority must be your home, your in-laws !!!"
“ Better you join a good job”
“ Meet my uncle, he has an idea… “
“ I disagree”
“Nothing much happening in your business”
“ Better Quit your business , it’s for your good I am saying this”