It's true that most of the Startup Entrepreneurs hail from middle age where its an essential time to take stock of where you are and where you wanna be. Amidst your busy Startup schedule of work & travel you suddenly turn into near 40 / 40 years old. Its like entering a new decade for you. Your goals may seem to be much closer than from where you started. But wait, do you do that at the cost of your health . If that's the case, please do go through below to avoid loss of fitness or some preventable diseases. For Startup Entrepreneurs, dealing with daily Health may become a zone to start off soon .
Getting fit & getting a good sleep does play an important role to your goal reaching journey. Stroke, Type 2 Diabetes , Bone weaknesses or even some type of cancers may haunt your Startup dream. Approaching a physician is what we suggest upfront , even before reading this article, in case you come across some problems. Besides consulting your physician, we do recommend not just Startup Entrepreneurs, but every one to follow some of the suggestions mentioned below :
1) Append Regular Exercise to your Schedule : Make it a habit to move / exercise atleast for 10-15 minutes , maybe during Lunch hours at office or after office hours . Avoid using Elevators & stick to staircases.
2) Less you Sit, more you gain : To burn down some calories , avoid siting for longer hours . Try to stand for say 1 hour throughout the day at work . No need to change your Office / cabin interiors , you can stand near a flat surface wall or near the whiteboard / coffee machine etc.
3) Learn /Play an outdoor Sport : Just go after one sport you shall cherish to play . It can be anything, say cycling , swimming, Yoga on the lawn , whatever the one you like .
4) Quit Smoking : More than 50% of smokers live only half of their lives . So why smoke ? Quit that thing & feel the difference in you work life too. In some weeks , not just your blood circulation shall improve but your Startup valuations too shall capture new heights.
5) Develop Constructive / Creative Habits : Its necessary not only for your Startup work schedules, what we entrepreneurs need is to fix our schedules for things like going to bed early and waking up early . Forget about your Startup deadlines or major decisions for a moment and develop a habit like listening to audio books, music etc. This helps you in longer term to be organized in your work too.
6) Avoid These : We Entrepreneurs need to be amongst positive environment most of the time we spend in a day. Hence avoid watching more TV channels that may upset / annoy your mood. As discussed, smoking or consumption of alcohol isn't a good choice either. Try to maintain a fit and healthy diet by avoiding heavy or spicy foods which can lead to digestion problems.
There are many other ways in which you as an Entrepreneur can lead a healthy mid life to ensure not just your Startup objectives are achieved .