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Reasons 'Not To' have your Own Startup:

Before venturing into any kind of Startup Business, we have to take immeasurable decisions, after which we may fix on to startup our dream project. Nevertheless, such decisions do depend upon the beliefs and mind-set we posses along with our never ending desires to improve our lifestyle.

Some of us are content by whatever we have in our lives, whereas some of us are exactly on the opposite banks at the river of needs. Everyone wants to become a millionaire, have a lavish lifestyle and earn the respect & status in their own spirited society. No one wants to stay back in this gung ho race. However, these people may or may not be aware, where the Finish line is.

In the pretext of the cases listed below, some Startups have been instigated, but we would be apologetic to say that if this is the scenario and the reason behind your endeavor, do it at your own risk:

These are some of the myths under which we may take a decision to Startup:

1. You are fed up of your current work profile & the Job as a whole:

Who filled your ears & mind that “ A Startup is not a Job “ , ask that person to justify it. We all have a particular career profile after we come out of our academics, by joining a small firm or a Multi National company. Initially we are much excited to be attached with the organization we work at. But as soon as some pressure dwells upon us, most of us hesitate a bit, change our opinions & start to look out for a change. Very few face the challenge & survive.

A change, where pressure is in our own control or is comparatively low as compared to the current job scenario. Enter the age of 30 and above, we start ourselves mold into a shape of an entrepreneur. We then put our papers either under haste or under the influence of our peer group who promises us to be a stakeholder in that startup which has not seen this world yet. We decide to form our own kingdom, where only your commands would be obeyed and followed. Where you would control the operations, give orders to your subordinates.

Hence in all this, we fail to remember that even though this Job profile or milieu is not contented, there may be other jobs which might need your skill sets and balance your career sketch to the extent of your work satisfaction. Instead we take a horrendous decision to Startup a venture even before thinking of its practical viability and its cascading impact on your career chart.

2. Be Your Own Boss and Do what You Like to do:

Nobody likes to hear orders and commands, especially when your academic achievements speak a lot about you. But alas, in a corporate, this hardly counts. Your Boss is your Boss, his instructions, orders and commands are to be obeyed and followed at any cost. We always have this misapprehension that once we have our own Startup, we are our own Bosses, no one would ask questions to us about our performances, we won’t be responsible to anyone for our actions, nobody can dismiss us in case we do not perform our tasks properly.

This is a wrong impression in fact, as a Founder of a Startup we have to follow what our customer demands. Unless the customer’s needs are not met, our startup business is of no use. We are responsible for our services to the customer and the society as a whole.

3. No Time Constraints:

We also cloud our thoughts that we do not have to work according to the timings imposed upon us by our employer, as we are no more employed. But this myth is a myth. In fact we have to work 24 x 7 and that too when we are at home, we have to sacrifice our own leisure time and go after the deliverable. Also unlike at a Job, we as an entrepreneur are supposed to answer our patrons round the clock.

So once you have a Startup, note this that you shall sacrifice all your wonderful occasions like attending weddings, family functions and holidays. Every such thing would be at stake.

4. No Targets & No Deadlines:

Another issue which comes to our minds is that as a weekend / month / quarter /year ends approaches near, our seniors do dump a huge pressure upon us by pointing towards our underachieved targets. Deadlines are set and Memo Formats are ready for print. Layoff fears hover around our cubicles round and round. Our intuition is that such things disappear in startups, which is not the real picture at all.

Layoff’s and demotions do have a path ahead, but that’s not the case in case of Startups. Promises made to our customers with respect to deadlines and targets are to be achieved under whatsoever circumstances as the customer is in no mood to forget your delays in deliverable resulting in a negative impact on costs and in some cases may even land up into legal tangles.

5. To create Your Own Image :

Fame is although uncommon in achieving, its common in desires. Everyone wants to be famous, known well and have a separate identity in the society. A job may make you a representative but the Tag of an ‘Owner’ or a ‘Founder’ or ‘CEO’ has totally different shines. This is again a misconception by far.

Although we do not criticize it as everyone has right to dream , reach their goals or achieve a purpose. It has to be seen here that what is the real intention behind this dream or the goal. If it’s just to achieve fame or prosperity by having an Owned Startup, its not done. But if it adds value and meaning to make this society and world a better place, then of course you have valid reasons to startup.

6. To Earn Million Dollars in a short notice :

Startups are not money minting machines. It’s a false notion. In reality, Startups need to be funded a lot at the beginning. Making good Money should never be a priority for a Startup. Startups are meant for doing good business by delivering quality to the customers, the society & its stakeholders. Malpractices and shortcuts to earn mammoth wealth can land a Startup into a catastrophe making a muddle of trade & commerce in totality.

In my next Blog , i shall cover some good reasons to startup. Till then , please share this blog & ask every entrepreneur to subscribe it : Just Click & Click 'Subscribe' on the Navigation Menu on Top. Thanks For Subscribing & keep reading my blog page.

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